Paper Tree

Paper Tree

2023.06 ~ 2023.08

Project Details

When we study some papers, reference papers play a very important role. To analyze this more efficiently, we use LLM to classify reference papers and recommend papers.

  • Goals

    1. Paper data set composition and pre-processing development

    2. Text (i.e., paper) classification by fine tuning BERT

    3. Recommendation and analysis of recent search-based papers

  • Technologies

    FrontEnd - React, Figma

    BackEnd - Spring, SpringBoot3, SQL

    A.I. - PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, transformers

  • Team

    [A.I.] ByungHyun Kim, [BE] JooEun Oh, SeonJu Kim, [FE] HeeJeong Ahn

  • [Github Organization]           
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